Plymouth Meeting— Since its founding over five years ago, Red Card Cancer (RCC) has been uniting the soccer community in a mission to find a cure for cancer. The organization uses soccer to raise awareness and funds for cancer research at the John Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer, which serves over 130,000 players and members in its region, is happy to announce it has teamed with Red Card Cancer in the fight against the deadly disease.
“Cancer touches everyone, including those of us here at Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer,” said Chief Executive Officer Chris Branscome. “We were looking for a way to join the fight. I have known and respected (RCC founder and chairman) Paul Payne for years. I knew this was the right organization for us.”
Payne added, “It has been a goal of mine to bring this important program to a region that has given the soccer community so much. I am humbled and grateful to Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer for working with us to send cancer off the pitch.”
RCC will have an immediate presence on Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer’s website, In addition, the organizations hope to stage charity matches, host fundraisers, and raise awareness for Red Card Cancer at events such as Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer’s Annual Awards Reception as well as Philadelphia Union home games.
Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer’s Olympic Development Teams will also wear RCC patches on their jerseys during the spring and summer seasons.
Red Card Cancer, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is led by Founder and Chairman Paul Payne and directors Drew Larsen, Marcia McDermott, and Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Dr. William Nelson. Red Card Cancer is currently active in 17 states at the professional, collegiate, high school, and youth levels, and internationally in Italy through Champions International Camps led by Billy Costacurta and Fabio Cannavaro.