state coaching certificate

Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer is pleased to announce the creation of an entry-level coaching course that will help coaches be successful on the field with young players ranging from U6-U8.
The Coaching Certificate will consider the role of the coach and what it means to create a fun and safe learning environment. The course will be conducted with selected clubs this fall as a trial and will evolve into a useful tool!
We want to educate coaches at all levels of play so that our kids benefit the most.
Here's what the course entails:
- 90-minute on-field session with member of the Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer Coaching Education Staff
- 15-minute PowerPoint presentation that can be watched and reviewed at your leisure. This presentation will go over basic formations and principles of coaching young players
- Each that attends the course will receive a coaching certificate, which Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer will recognize on the state level
If you'd like to host a course, please click the "Request to Host" button and fill out the form. We will reach out to you. Our goal is to create fun learning environments by providing as much education as we can for our coaches!
U6-U16 Training Plans |
Request to Host |