Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer will be well-represented at the NSCAA / US Youth Soccer Convention at the Philadelphia Convention Center beginning January 15. Please come and see the following presentations:
Thursday January 15, 2015
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm CC 103B "Honest Answers for Soccer Parents"
Mike Barr, Technical Director, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer
Friday January 16, 2015
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CC 104A "Partnering with Schools and Municipalities to Enhance Player and Facility Management"
Chris Branscome, Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer
Saturday January 17, 2015
11:00 am - 12:00 pm CC 106B "4-3-3, A New Trend—Or Is It?"
Gary Stephenson, Assistant Technical Director, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer
12:45 pm - 1:45 pm CC 106B "Safe Return to Play"
Dr. Kevin Freedman, Rothman Institute
Mike Barr, Director of Coaching, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer
Gary Stephenson, Assistant Technical Director, Eastern Pennsylvania Youth Soccer
Tickets for the event can be purchased at NSCAAConvention.com. Register by January 13 and receive a discount of $30.
We hope to see you down there!